In Bolivia, there are numerous street stalls or small stores set up on the sidewalks and narrowing the streets. The people running these street markets are out in all weather, often waiting through the rain until business picks up again and quickly hiding their merchandise at the first sign of inclement weather. These 2 women had tucked themselves underneath the ledge of a nearby building, bundled up under shawls and blankets, and covered their merchandise with plastic, and sat calmly talking until the rain subsided.
I began by sketching the basic shapes in the positions I wanted and then blocking them in with color. It had more of an impressionistic feel until I got to this point.
Then I began to see the picture better as a painting and made note of the areas that needed more depth, detail or intense work and set it down to look at again in the morning. I'm taking it slowly, going more for my impression of their characters and the general feel of the street market in the first session, and in the next, bringing out the realism qualities I like. I'm trying not to stick to the reference photo like glue. It's a new approach, so I'll have to see how it works out.