Off the Vine, completed . . . almost

Off the Vine
oil on canvas

After 2 days, I've reached the level of "Don't touch it!" on this one that usually signifies it's finished.  I'm just about there and 1 thing comes into view - of course, only after I post the photograph online.  Can you guess?  Yes!  Darn perspective!!  Here's what it looks like upside down - an angle much easier to see the mistakes in. 
I need to fix that back rim of the basket, then I'm done.  It's been a good round of painting but squash soup and pumpkin pie are calling!


Carole Paquette said…
Way to go Charity! It's looking really good!! Perceptive eye to put it upside down and catch that tiny little fix- it spot.
I love pumpkin and squash soup especially with blue cheese crumbles on top. ;-)
