
Although I grew up surrounded by art, I have only recently begun to paint on a regular basis. Seeing my father [Peter Yesis] start his art career has allowed me to think of the possibilities.  I feel very fortunate to be able to have him for a teacher and guide.

Each morning begins with a 15 minute drawing exercise, followed by a 2-hour session of painting.  Although I might do more sessions throughout the day, each time in the studio has concentration similar to a daily meditation.  I like to call it my Painter’s Space because while I’m physically in the studio, I also enter this space within my mind that gets untouched by other demands and obligations.  As a mom, I have learned to share this space with my children, often creating a feeling of unity by sharing music or audiobooks, and coming up for air, tea, and conversation at intervals.

Painting allows for so much more to be expressed than just a snapshot.  There’s a general mood and spirit invoked with the lighting, the brushstrokes, the colors chosen, and the composition and material of the subject itself.  Each layer pulls the viewer deeper into an understanding with the subject.  I strive for a vivacity that comes when all the layers are aligned. 
